Even though I have checked the option (which mind you is chosen by default) to show the icon in the address bar, it does not show up. Anyone know why and aware of this? I was also wondering if there could be an option provided to have it show up as a regular toolbar icon like most extensions instead of exclusively in the address bar. Now if the address bar icon worked, I wouldn't care as much but since it doesn't, would be nice to have a backup option to have it show up. Thank you.
If you use AdBlock on a mobile device, you can pause AdBlock to stop blocking ads while you're on a site. If you use an iPhone or iPad, you can also allowlist sites. If you have paused or disabled AdBlock or allowlisted the website, then one of two things is happening: Something else on your computer is causing the test to fail or not to run at all. The test the site is using to detect ad blockers is generating a false positive (less likely). If you need to white-list the site you are trying to visit, click the ad-blocker icon in the browser’s tool bar and look for the option to pause or disable the current filtering. On the 'Add-ons' screen select 'AdBlock Plus' and press its 'Options' button. Uncheck and recheck the 'Show in add-on bar' setting. You should see the Red ABP Icon appear on the lower left of your Firefox Window.
![Showing Showing](https://images.techhive.com/images/article/2015/02/adblock-options-100569390-large.png)