: Can Hell Andy drop an Arm of King Leoric or Elite uniques? Using the 1.11 drop calculator in atma (most recent one I got) She can drop an arm of king leoric. I've personally gotten one from the summoner (doing key runs) can't get the full set of elites from her, but you can get a good deal of them. Diablo II STING Map Hack: Download or Mirror Download - Feel free to modify the d2hackmap.cfg file to your preffered settings and configuration Download the integrated sting maphack version instead if you experience constant crashes with the default standalone one. Maphack hiding items guide (gold, arrows, bolts scrolls, etc) can be found here. Diablo 2 D2 Selling working way for Project Andy 2.0 and more 1.14d. XMODUSEU 100% UNDETECTED Call of Duty Warzone/Modern Warfare Cheat/Hack. D2 Selling. Project Diablo 2 has been under attack in various ways by malicious players since early ladder (this resulted in the server issues we had early on unfortunately) and we are now dealing with a small number of players who attempted to exploit on the server to ruin the economy.
Basically the same as 1.9 This has my custom ini, and they hours to make, so any donations via d2 or JSP would be appreciated.Download naruto shippuden episode lengkap subtitle indonesia.
I also make custom graphic mods. PM me for details on that.
I'm Arg_Grr@jsp & Arg_Grr@USEast
Open the Injector. Click ADD. Click Project. Then click Inject while your d2 is open.
Basic on some hotkeys----
S & D are your Aim keys. Mouse 3 is far cast telly.
Here a list of in-game commands ( Type them )
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.AA - Toggles Aim
.AKB - Toggles Automatic Knockback
.ARB - Toggles Automatic Blind Teleport
.ATKB - Toggles Automatic Teleport Knockback
.BF - Toggles Block Fake Attacks/Casts when attacking with Aim
.Blind *Variable* - Changes blind spot to *Variable*
.TO - Toggles Teleport Only
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.Load - Reloads this configuration file
.Save - Saves in-game settings to this configuration file
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.DM - Toggles Death Message
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.Clean - Toggles Design
.SS - Toggles Hide On Screenshot
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.EB - Toggles Enchant Bot
.EBN - Toggles Note
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.BTP - Toggles Block Town Portal
.FTP - Toggles Fast Town Portal
.TA - Toggles Town When Attacked
.TFC - Toggles Town When Farcasted
.TH - Toggles Town When Hostiled
.THF - Toggles Town When Holy Fire Aura Is Detected
.THS - Toggles Town When Holy Shock Aura Is Detected
****B - Toggles Town When Knockbacked
.TPW - Toggles Remove Town Portal Walk
.EL *Variable* - Sets Exit Life % to *Variable*
.EM *Variable* - Sets Exit Mana % to *Variable*
.TL *variable* - Sets Town Life % to *Variable*
.TM *Variable* - Sets Town Mana % to *Variable*
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.AF - Toggles Anti Flash
.FA - Flashes current target when you are in attacking mode
.FC - Stops flashing all flashed players
.FD *Variable* - Sets Flash Delay to *Variable*
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.0 - Says Death Message Lines
.1 - 'Fuck You' message (15 Lines)
.2 - 'Swastika' message (18 Lines)
.3 - 'Eat A Dick' message (9 Lines)
.4 - 'Smoked' message (9 Lines)
.5 - 'Schooled' message (10 Lines)
.6 - 'Shot The Fuck Down' message (12 Lines)
.7 - 'Trash' message (9 Lines)
.8 - 'RIP' message (12 Lines)
.9 - 'Swastika' message (17 Lines)
.10 - 'Pigeon' message (17 Lines)
.11 - 'AK-47' message (12 Lines)
.12 - 'RHINOWNED' message (16 Lines)
.13 - 'Snake' message (16 Lines)
.14 - 'FUCK YO' COUCH' message (5 Lines)
.15 - 'Clan PvP' message (9 Lines)
.16 - 'Fuck you' message (9 Lines)
.17 - 'Dead' message (7 Lines)
.18 - 'OWNED' message (8 Lines)
.19 - 'OWNT' message (8 Lines)
.20 - 'Serious Internetting' message (15 Lines)
.21 - 'SIT' message (15 Lines)
.22 - '<3' message (9 Lines)
.23 - 'Penis'd' message (7 Lines)
.24 - 'EZ' message (8 Lines)
.25 - 'Raped' message (11 Lines)
.26 - 'PEACE' message (14 Lines)
.27 - 'zzzzZZZZZZZ' message (16 Lines)
.28 - 'Cross' message (6 Lines)
.29 - '@@' message (8 Lines)
.30 - '^_^' message (8 Lines)
<3 - '<3' message (9 Lines)
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.AIG - Toggles Anti Item Glitch
.AM - Toggles Anti Minimize
.AP - Toggles Auto Party
.APA *Variable* - Adds *Variable* to the auto party list
.AQB - Toggles Anti Quest Box
.ASQ - Toggles Auto Squelch
.ASS - Toggles Auto Screenshot
.Cube - Opens Horadric Cube from anywhere
.DG *Variable 1* *Variable 2* - Drops *Variable 1* amount of gold in *Variable 2* milliseconds
.Drop - Purposely crashes D2, showing you dropped due to timeout
.EE 1 - Toggles 'hack chat typing'
.EBA *Variable* - Adds *Variable* to the enchant list
.Fake *Variable 1* *Variable 2* - Prints '*Variable 1* was slain by #My Character Name#, *Variable 2* left'
.FM *Variable 1* *Variable 2* - Whispers *Variable 2* to friends in *Variable 1* color
.Hack - Exits the game without a message ('Silent Exit')
.LK - Toggles Kill Log
.LM - Toggles Chat Message Log
.NK - Toggles Notify Friends When You Kill Someone
.OTS - Toggles Select Players Out Of Town
.Paste - Pastes text from clipboard
.PSI - Toggles Permanently Show Items
.SF - Toggles Spam Filter
.SFA *Variable* - Adds *Variable* to the spam filter list
.SM - Toggles Map Scroll
.SQA *Variable* - Adds *Variable* to the squelch list
.Stash - Opens Stash from anywhere
.Unload - Unloads this hack
.W *Var. How to activate sygic drive 10 8.32. 1* *Var. 2* *Var. 3* - Whispers *Var. 3* to *Var. 1* in *Var. 2* color
?Ver - Says the name of this hack
?Time - Says your local time
?Score - Says your total score of kills/deaths
?Ping - Says current FPS, Skip, and Ping
?Date - Says your local date
;HC - Toggles hidden commands
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.HP *Variable* - Sets Life % to *Variable*
.RL *Variable* - Sets Rejuvenation Life % to *Variable*
.MP *Variable* - Sets Mana % to *Variable*
.RM *Variable* - Sets Rejuvenation Mana % to *Variable*
.MHP *Variable* - Sets Mercenary Life % to *Variable*
.MRP *Variable* - Sets Mercenary Rejuvenation % to *Variable*
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.MH - Reveals Current Act
.VBS - Toggles View Basic Basic Stats Of Items
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.AS *Variable* - Adds *Variable* amount to attack speed % (Max is 255)
.BR *Variable* - Adds *Variable* amount to block rate % (Max is 255)
.CR *Variable* - Adds *Variable* amount to cast rate % (Max is 255)
.HR *Variable* - Adds *Variable* amount to hit recovery rate % (Max is 255)
.RW *Variable* - Adds *Variable* amount to run/walk speed % (Max is 255)
.VP *Variable* - Adds *Variable* amount to velocity % (Max is 255)
.TMCIAS *Variable* - Changes attack speed frames
.TMCFCR *Variable* - Changes cast rate frames
.Stand - Toggles Stand
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.CStates - Clears states
.RState *Variable* - Removes *Variable* state
.State *Variable* - Adds *Variable* state
; ---------------------------
; ---------------------------
.CS *Variable* - Whispers current track name in *Variable* color to friend list
.Play - Play current track
.Pause - Pause current track
.Stop - Stop current track
.Next - Next track
.Prev - Previous track
- ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
Project Diablo 2 Website
- Project_mpgh.net.rar [Download and Thanks] (668.4 KB, 5201 Downloads)
Diablo 2 Project Hack By Andy King
Awesom-O 5 Beta 3
You will need VC++ 2008 runtimes to run the Awesom-O Core:
You will need .NET Framework 2.0 or better to run Awesom-O Manager.
* built in proxy support
* Exp calculations added
* States
* Tons more. Due to our noting system being super accurate and ahead of its time, it's rather impossible to list them all
* LeechBaal, CoBaal, Follower
* Reroll gcs (ILvl 95+)
* Loads of .commands, .pause/.resume included
* .mpickit on, .mpickit off commands, a pickit for playing the game manually
* .wps # and .wps now search only the missing waypoints.
* Basic Static Field Support
* Sparkly option in open chests
* Chicken for potions
* Replace 'lower' potions for Super Healing/Mana and Full Rejuv
* Bot scans shop for items in your pickit when interacting in one (Partial shopbot)
* Full fledged shopbot. Still in 'alpha' stage. ( Shopbot('Drehya') for anya )
* Tons more. Due to our noting system being super accurate and ahead of its time, it's rather impossible to list them all
* Multi Botting Support(multiple Profiles) via D2Launcher, you will need DIFFERENT Diablo folders with DIFFERENT owner names
* Joinin games Support
* A great Config Wizard which will help you configure Settings.lua, Sequence.lua
* More delays can be configured
* New status window for every profile
* Average Game Time and some more statistics
* Ability to run a .exe or .bat on ip ban
* Tons more. Due to our noting system being super accurate and ahead of its time, it's rather impossible to list them all
* New walk pathing
* Map crashes, overall stability greatly improved
* Returning resist data (Immunecheck in lua)
* Classic Stashing
* Tons more. Due to our noting system being super accurate and ahead of its time, it's rather impossible to list them all
* Walking is completely rewritten
* Fixed Muling/Cubing known bugs
* Game Crashing when Call to Arm is in wrong Slot or absent
* Grush Improved
* Redemption Improved
* Chicken, Potting improved
* New Baal function, takes way less memory and time than the old one.
* New Chaos/Diablo function
* Repair now works off percentage
* Better item logging
* Random pickit updates
* Picklimit
* Some per game based memory issues
* Deadlock while moving to npcs and objects
* Classic Stashing
* Tons more. Due to our noting system being super accurate and ahead of its time, it's rather impossible to list them all
* Killing a process should be working on all windows version
* Fixed a crash due to logging
* Switch keys when key in use
* Success rate vs muling fixed
* Bot crash when game already exist
* NG game message fixed
* Tons more. Due to our noting system being super accurate and ahead of its time, it's rather impossible to list them all
NOTE: The multi bot support is still experimental and might not work for everyone. Using one bot should be by far more stable so we recommend to use just one bot
Known bugs:
* Bot fails to path from Spider Forest/Great Marsh to Flayer Jungle. You will need Flayer Jungle WP to fix this.
* NPC interacting fails every now and then
* Apparently chaos too managed to get broken during the last min fixes.