It is intended that this part of ISO 14122 be used with ISO 14122-1 to give the requirements for steps, stepladders and guard-rails. The ISO 14122 series as a whole is applicable to both stationary and mobile machinery where fixed means of access are necessary. It is intended that this part of ISO 14122 be used with a relevant access-specific part of ISO 14122. The ISO 14122 series as a whole is applicable to both stationary and mobile machinery where fixed means of access are necessary. EN ISO 14122-3:2001 3.1 Stairs and step ladders the definitions stated in 3.2 and 3.3 of EN ISO 14122-1:2001 are completed by: Succession of horizontal levels (steps or landings) allowing passage on foot from one level to another composed of the following elements, shown in Figure 1 and explained from 3.1.1 to 3.1.16 Key H: Climbing height g: Going e: Headroom h: Rise l: Length of landing r. EN ISO 14122-4:2004 (E) 5 1 Scope This standard applies to all machinery (stationary and mobile) where fixed means of access are necessary. The purpose of this standard is to define the general requirements for safe access to machines mentioned in. It is intended that this part of ISO 14122 be used with a relevant access-specific part of ISO 14122. The ISO 14122 series as a whole is applicable to both stationary and mobile machinery where fixed means of access are necessary.
14122-1:ZOO 1
Safety of machinery Permanent means of access to machinery Part 1: Choice of a fixed means of access between two levels
The European Standard EN IS0 14122-1:2001 has the status of a British Standard
ICs 13.110
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BS EN IS0 14122-1:2001
National foreword This British Standard is the official English language version of EN IS0 14122-1:2001.It is identical with IS0 14122-1:2001.It partially supersedes BS 5395-3:1985, and BS 4592-1 to -5, which are being amended to address the requirements of this standard. Recommendations on the design aspects of industrial type stairs, walkways, platforms, fixed ladders and companionway ladders not addressed by this standard can be found in BS 5395-3. Requirements for industrial type metal flooring, walkways and stair treads that are not addressed by this standard can be found in BS 4592-1 to -5, which covers the following:
Part 1: Part 2: Part 3: Part 4: Part 5:
aid enquirers to understand the text; present to the responsible internationalíEuropean committee any enquiries on the interpretation, or proposals for change, and keep the UK interests informed; monitor related international and European developments and promulgate them in the UK.
Specification for open bar gratings; Specification for expanded metal grating panels; Specification for cold formed planks; Specification for glass reinforced plastics open bar gratings; Specification for solid plates in steel, aluminium and glass reinforced plastics (GRP). The UK participation in the preparation of EN IS0 14122 was entrusted by Technical Committee B/208, Stairs and walkways, to Subcommittee B/208/1, Stairs and walkways, Industrial stairs, which has the responsibility to:
A list of organizations represented on this subcommittee can be obtained on request to its secretary. Cross-references The British Standards which implement these international or European publications may be found in the BSI Standards Catalogue under the section entitled “International Standards Correspondence Index”, or by using the “Find” facility of the BSI Standards Electronic Catalogue. A British Standard does not purport to include all the necessary provisions of a contract. Users of British Standards are responsible for their correct application. Compliance with a British Standard does not of itself confer immunity from legal obligations.
This British Standard, having been prepared under the direction of the Sector Committee for Building and Civil Engineering, was published under the authority of the Standards Committee and comes into effect on 15 August 2001
Summary of pages This document comprises a front cover, an inside front cover, the EN IS0 title page, pages 2 to 14, an inside back cover and a back cover. The BSI copyright date displayed in this document indicates when the document was last issued.
O BSI 08-2001
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ISBN O 580 37016 X
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EN IS0 14122-1
May 2001
ICs 13.110
English version
Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery - Part 1: Choice of fixed means of access between two levels (IS0 14122-112001) -
Sicherheit von Maschinen - Ortsfeste Zugänge zu maschinellen Anlagen - Teil 1: Wahl eines ortsfesten Zugangs zwischen zwei Ebenen (IS0 14122-1:2001)
Sécurité des machines Moyens d'accès permanents aux machines Partie 1: Choix d'un moyen d'accès fixe entre deux niveaux (IS0 14122-1:2001)
This European Standard was approved by CEN on 14 February 2000. CEN members are bound to comply with the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations which stipulate the conditions for giving this European Standard the status of a national standard without any alteration. Up-to-datelists and bibliographicalreferences concerning such national standards may be obtained on application to the Management Centre or to any CEN member.
This European Standard exists in three official versions (English, French, German). A version in any other language made by translation under the responsibilityof a CEN member into its own language and notified to the Management Centre has the same status as the official versions. CEN members are the national standards bodies of Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and United Kingdom.
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All rights of exploitation in any form and by any means reserved worldwide for CEN national Members.
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Ref. No. EN I S 0 14122-1:2001 E
Page 2 EN I S 0 14122-1:2001
...................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Introduction ................................................................................................................................................................. 4 Scope .............................................................................................................................................................. 5 1 Normative references .................................................................................................................................... 5 2 Terms and definitions.................................................................................................................................... 5 3 Significant hazards ........................................................................................................................................ 7 4 Requirements for the selection of the fixed means of access .................................................................. 7 5 General ............................................................................................................................................................ 7 5.1 Preferred means of access ........................................................................................................................... 8 5.2 Selection of the means of access ................................................................................................................ 8 5.3 8 5.3.1 Basic solutions............................................................................................................................................... 8 5.3.2 Conditions for the selection of stepladder or ladder ................................................................................. Selection between lift, ramp or stair ............................................................................................................ 9 5.4 Selection between stepladder and ladder ................................................................................................. 10 5.5 6 Assembly instructions ................................................................................................................................ 11 Annex A (informative) Examples of the possible changes in the machine or system to make a better access possible
............................................................................................................................................ Annex ZA (informative) Relationship of this European standard with EC directives ........................................ Bibliography ..............................................................................................................................................................
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12 13 14
Page 3 EN I S 0 14122-112001
Foreword The text of EN I S 0 14122-1:2001 has been prepared by Technical Committee CENTTC 114 'Safety of machinery', the secretariat of which is held by DIN, in collaboration with Technical Committee ISOTTC 199 'Safety Of machinery'. This European Standard shall be given the status of a national standard, either by publication of an identical text or by endorsement, at the latest by November 2001, and conflicting national standards shall be withdrawn at the latest by November 2001. This European Standard has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association, and supports essential requirements of EU Directive(s). For relationship with EU [email protected]),see informative Annex ZA, which is an integral part of this standard.
According to the CENKENELEC Internal Regulations, the national standards organizations of the following countries are bound to implement this European Standard: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United Kingdom.
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Page 4 EN I S 0 14122-112001
Introduction EN IS0 14122 consists of the following parts, under the general title 'Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machinery' : Part 1 : Choice of a fixed means of access between two levels Part 2 : Working platforms and walkways Part 3 : Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails Part 4 : Fixed ladders. --`,``,```,`,``,`,`,-`-`,`,`,`,`---
This part of EN IS0 14122 is a type B standard as stated in EN 1070. This document is to be read in conjunction with clause 1.6.2 'Access to operating position and servicing points' and 1.5.15 'Risk of slipping, tripping or falling' of the essential safety requirements expressed in annex A of EN 292-2:1991/A1:1995. See also 6.2.4 'Provision for safe access to machinery' of EN 292-2:1991. For the significant hazards covered by this part of EN IS0 14122, see clause 4. The provisions of this document may be supplemented or modified by a type C standard. NOTE 1 For machines which are covered by the scope of a type C standard and which have been designed and built according to the provisions of that standard, the provisions of that type C standard take precedence over the provisions of this type B standard. '
NOTE 2 The use of materials other than metals (wood composite materials, so-called 'advanced' materials, etc.) does not alter the application of this part of EN IS0 14122.
Annexes A and ZA are for information only. This pari of EN IS0 14122 contains a Bibliography.
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Page 5 EN I S 0 14122-1:2001
1 Scope EN IS0 14122 defines the general requirements for safe access to machines mentioned in EN 292-2.Part 1 Of EN IS0 14122 gives advice about the correct choice of access means when the necessary access to the machine is not possible directly from the ground level or from a floor. This part of EN IS0 14122 applies to all machinery (stationary and mobile) where fixed means of access are necessary. This part of EN IS0 14122 applies to means of access which are a part of a machine. This part of EN IS0 14122 may also apply to means of access to that part of the building (e.g. working platforms, walkways, ladders) where the machine is installed, providing the main function of that part of the building is to provide a means of access to the machine. NOTE This part of EN IS0 14122 may be used also for means of access which are outside the scope of this part of EN IS0 14122. In those cases the possible relevant national or other regulationsshould be taken into account.
This part of EN IS0 14122 applies also to access means specific to the machine which are not permanently fixed to the machine and which may be removed or moved to the side for some operations of the machine (e.g. changing tools in a large press). This part of EN IS0 14122 does not apply to lifts, to moveable elevating platforms or other devices specially designed to lift persons between two levels
Normative references
This European Standard incorporates by dated or undated reference, provisions from other publications. These normative references are cited at the appropriate places in the text and the publications are listed hereafter. For dated references, subsequent amendments to or revisions of any of these publications apply to this European Standard only when incorporated in it by amendment or revision. For undated references the latest edition of the publication referred to applies (including amendments). EN 292-1 :1991 (ISO/TR 12100-l),Safety of machinery -Basic 1 :Basic terminology, methodology
concepts, general principles for design - Part
EN 292-2/Al(ISOflR 12100-2),Safety of machinery - Basic concepts, general principles for design Technicalprinciples and specifications
- Partí':
EN 1050 (IS0 14121),Safety of machinery - Principles for risk assessment EN 1070,Safety of machinery - Terminology EN IS0 14122-2,Safety of machinery - Permanents means of access to machinery - Part 2: Working platforms and walkways EN IS0 14122-3,Safety of machinery - Permanents means of access to machinery - Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails
prEN IS0 14122-4:1996,Safety of machinery - Permanent means of access to machineryladders
Part 4: Fixed
3 Terms and definitions
For the purposes of this part of EN IS0 14122,the terms and definitions stated in EN 1070 'Safety of machinery Terminology' and the following terms and definitions apply (see also Figure 5).
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Page 6 EN I S 0 14122-12001 3.1 ladder fixed means of access with an angle of pitch from more than 75 O to 90 O , whose horizontal elements are rungs (see Figure 1)
Figure 1
-75' -cangle of pitch S 90'
3.2 stepladder fixed means of access with an angle of pitch from more than 45 O up to 75 O , whose horizontal elements are steps (see Figure 2)
Figure 2 3.3 stair fixed mea..- f (see Figure 3)
-45' < slope angle 5 75'
gle of pitch from more than 20 O up to 45 O , whose elements are steps
Figure 3
-20' c angle of pitch 5 45'
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Page 7 EN IS0 14122-112001 3.4 ramp fixed means of access, comprising a continuous inclined plane having an angle of pitch from more than O O up to 20 O (see Figure 4)
Figure 4 --`,``,```,`,``,`,`,-`-`,`,`,`,`---
- O' e angle of pitch S 20'
Significant hazards
The significant hazards to be considered when determining the type and location of the means of access are the following: a)
b) Slipping. c)
caused by excessive physical effort, e.g. from climbing a series of ladders.
from falling of materials or objects when they may cause a risk to persons.
Other hazards generated by the machinery, e.g. caused by the functioning of the machinery (moving parts of the machine, movement of the machine itself (mobile machines), radiation, hot surface, noise, steam, hot liquids) or caused by its environment (harmful airborne substances) are not covered by this part of EN IS0 14122 but the designer of the machine should consider them, e.g. by preventing the access. NOTE
EN 1050 gives principles for risk assessment.
This part of EN IS0 14122 is primarily aimed at the prevention of persons falling and of excessive physical efforts.
Requirements for the selection of the fixed means of access
5.1 General There shall be a safe and convenient means of access to all the zones and points of the machine where the need for access can be foreseen during the phases of the 'life' of the machinery (see 3.1 1 of EN 292-1:1991).
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Page 8 EN I S 0 14122-112001 5.2 Preferred means of access The preferred means of access to the machinery shall be in the following order : a)
access directly from the ground level or from a floor, (for more details see and EN IS0 14122-2) ;
lifts, ramps or stairs, (for more details see 5.4) ;
stepladders or ladders, (for more details see 5.5).
5.3 Selection of the means of access 5.3.1
Basic solutions
Whenever possible, access to control devices and other parts of the machine is preferred from either a ground level or a floor. This is particularly important where frequent access is required. If level access according to is not possible or practicable,
a lift or
suitable ramp with an angle of pitch less than 10 O (see 5.4.b)) or
stairs with an angle of pitch from a minimum of 30 O to maximum of 38 O (see 5.4.c))
shall normally be selected as a safe and suitable basic solution for the necessary access.
Conditions for the selection of stepladder or ladder In the design of access to machinery, stepladders and ladders shall be avoided as far as practicable due to the higher risk of falling and because of the higher physical efforts when using these access means. If access means according to 5.3.1 are not possible, selection of a stepladder or ladder may be considered. The final decision shall be made on the basis of the risk assessment, including ergonomic aspects. If the level of risk (see EN 1050) is considered to be too high, the basic construction of the means of access to the machine shall be changed to allow accessways with a reduced risk to be used (see 5.3.1 and annex A). The following list presents some examples of the cases when a stepladder or ladder may be selected. These are only examples - the final selection shall always be done case by case on the basis of risk assessment. In most cases more than one of the conditions in the following list shall be fulfilled to make the selection of a stepladder or ladder possible. a)
Short vertical distance.
The means of access is foreseen to be used infrequently.
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Page 9 EN IS0 14122-112001
NOTE When estimatingthe frequency of the use, the whole life of the machinery is considered. If the means of access is to be used frequently, e.g. during the assembly or installation of the machine or during periodical major maintenance tasks, a stepladder or ladder is not an adequate solution. c)
The user will not be carrying any large tools or any other equipment when using the means of access.
Only one user will be foreseen to use the means of access at the same time.
The means of access is not foreseen to be used for evacuation purposes by injured persons.
The structure of the machine does not make stairs or other basic means (see 5.3.1) possible.
Examples are a tower crane and mobile machines.
For the choice between stepladder and ladder see 5.5.
5.4 Choice among lift, ramp or stair
The installation of a stair or ramp as means of access between two levels is always preferable to that of a stepladder or ladder. When selecting either a lift, ramp or stair, the following points shall be considered. a)
A lift may be the best solution in the following cases;
- need for frequent access of several persons;
long vertical distances;
heavy loads to transport;
An alternative escape route is always needed in addition to a lift. b)
A ramp may be the best solution in the following cases;
for a short vertical distance :
- where it is necessary to transport wheeled vehicles (forklift trucks, manually moved carts etc.).
Different angles of the ramp are depending on the use :
for hand carts or other manually transported wheeled vehicles, maximum angle 3 O (particularly when likely to be used by handicapped persons);
for motor vehicles (e.g. forklift truck), maximum angle 7 O ;
for walking, up to 20 O (generally and preferably not more than 10 O ) .
NOTE 1 Ramps are often preferable to stairs with only one or two steps. NOTE 2 The properties of the surface have very strong influence on the safety of the ramp. The surface should have very good resistance against slipping in particular for ramps between 10 O and 20 O.
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Page 10 EN I S 0 14122-1~2001 c)
Stairs (for detailed requirements see EN I S 0 14122-3). Preferred angle of pitch is between 30 and 38 O. O
5.5 Selection between stepladder and ladder When making the selection between stepladder and ladder at least the following points a) and b) shall be considered. For the detailed requirements of these means of access, see prEN IS0 14122-4:1996 (fixed ladders) and EN IS0 14122-3 (stepladders). a)
Consequences on the level of safety affected by the choice of stepladders;
if a person is coming down the stepladder and not facing it, there could be an increased risk of falling;
if a person is using the stepladder whilst carrying small objects, there could be an increased risk of falling;
according to EN IS0 14122-3, the maximum flight of a stepladder without a rest platform is limited;
stepladders with an angle of pitch between 60 O and 75 O should only be selected due to space limits or process requirements.
b) Consequences on the level of safety affected by the choice of ladders;
the person needs to face the ladder and also to use his hands for holding. Therefore, it is considered highly unlikely that the user will descend facing away from the ladder;
ladders are physically harder to use;
according to prEN IS0 14122-4:1996the maximum flight of ladders without a rest platform is limited;
- Two main alternatives for protection of the users of fixed ladders against falls from a height are safety cages or fall arresters: - The cage shall be the required choice, as it is a means which is always present and the actual level of
safety is independent of the operator's actions,
- Where it is not possible to use a cage, individual protective equipment shall be provided. The fall arrester is only effective if the user chooses to use it. If a harness with an incompatible sliding system is used with a guided type fall arrester, there will be a risk.
A fall arrester shall be designed only for low frequency and specialised access (e. g. maintenance). NOTE An appropriate individualfall protection device is able to arrest a fall better than a cage.
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Page 11 EN IS0 14122-112001
Key A B C D E
Ramp, A recommended Ramp with enhanced slip resistance Stair Stair, D recommended Stair Stepladder Stepladder Ladder, H recommended
Figure 5
- Range of the various means of access
Assembly instructions
All information on the proper assembly shall be contained in the assembly instructions. In particular, information shall be included on the :
- method of fixing ;
- assembly of guided fall arrester on anchorage point, where applicable.
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Page 12 EN I S 0 14122-1:2001
Annex A (informative) Examples of the changes in the machine or system to make better access possible
A.l Make changes in the position of pillars, beams, pipelines, cable trays, platforms, storage tanks etc., to make the use of stairs designed in accordance with this part of EN IS0 14122 or other preferable access means possible.
A.2 Make changes in the design of the means of access (e.g. location) to make stairs designed in accordance with this part of EN IS0 14122 or other preferable means of access possible. EXAMPLE 1 Make the access from another side so that there is enough room for stairs designed in accordance with this part of EN IS0 14122. Add horizontal platforms if necessary. EXAMPLE 2 Make changes in the design of the means of access so that stairs are possible (e.g. change in the direction).
EXAMPLE 1 Position lubrication points near the ground level with the help of pipes. EXAMPLE 2 Use a different method of lubrication, e.g.
permanent lubrication;
lubrication circuit with a pump.
EXAMPLE 3 Motor and power transmission means positioned so that access to the maintenance and servicing points is possible from the ground level. EXAMPLE 4 The machine is installed to another place so that access is possible e.g. from an already existing platform. EXAMPLE 5 Change the position of pipelines and/or valves so that operation of the valve is possible from the ground level or the floor.
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A.3 Make changes in the machine to remove the need for access or to make the access possible from the ground level or from a floor.
Page 13 EN I S 0 14122-112001
Annex ZA (informat ive) Relationship of this European standard with EC directives
This document has been prepared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Commission and the European Free Trade Association and supports essential requirements of EC Directives Machinery Directive 98/37/EC, amended by Directive 98/ï9/EC, in particular clause 1.6.2 'Access to operating position and servicing points' and 1.5.15 'Risk of slipping, tripping or falling' of the essential safety requirements of its annex I Compliance with of this document provides one means of conforming with the specific essential requirements of the Directive concerned and associated EFTA regulations. WARNING : Other requirements and other EC Directives may be applicable to the product(s) falling within the scope of this document.
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Page 14 EN I S 0 14122-1 :2001
In compiling this part of EN IS0 14122,the following have been taken into account : EN 131 -2:19931,Ladders - Requirements, Tests, Markings EN 294 (IS0 12852),Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the upper limbs EN 349 (IS0 13854),Safety of machinery - Minimum gaps to avoid crushing of parts of the human body EN 353-1, Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - Guided type fall arresters on a rigid anchorage line EN 364,Personal protective equipment against falls from a height - Test methods EN 547-1,Safety of machinery - Human body dimensions - Part 1 :Principles for determining the dimensions required for openings for whole body access into machinery EN 547-2,Safety of machinery - Human body dimensions - Part 2 :Principles for determining the dimensions required for access openings EN 547-3,Safety of machinery - Human body dimensions - Part 3 :Anthropometric data EN 795,Protection against falls from a height -Anchorage devices - Requirements and testing EN 81 1 (IS0 13853),Safety of machinery - Safety distances to prevent danger zones being reached by the lower limbs
Under revision. --`,``,```,`,``,`,`,-`-`,`,`,`,`---
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BS EN I S 0 14122-1:ZOO1
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John Ingram, Global Product Manager at Kee Safety, explains why contractors should be paying attention to the EN Standard for ‘Safety of Machinery – Permanent means of access to machinery’ and specifying self-closing safety gates.
Revised EN ISO 14122 standard

In June 2016, the Standard for Safety of Machinery – Permanent means of access to machinery – Part 3: Stairs, stepladders and guard-rails (EN ISO 14122-3:2016) was updated. This revised standard defines the requirements for safe access to machines, applying to both stationary and mobile machinery where a fixed means of access is necessary. The standard specifies that when the height of a fall could exceed 500mm, a guard-rail should be installed, and the chosen system needs to meet several dimensional requirements. It also notes that a self-closing gate should be used.
Safe protection to openings
Maintenance and inspection teams require safe protection to openings such as on work platforms, around industrial machinery or as part of demarcation routes in warehouse and logistic centres, in addition to providing safe access and egress for ladders, walkways and rooftop guardrails.
For many years, chains, bars and sliding link tubes have been the method of protection for safe access. While these provide a simple safety solution, they are reliant on correct usage which isn’t reliable, as users can forget to replace the bar or chain, leaving a gap behind them.
Now, with this standard, there is a very clear set of requirements and dimensions for safety gates.
Updated standard requirements
The system should incorporate a knee rail that is 500mm from the top rail, and a lower bottom rail that is no more than 500mm from the floor level. The standard also states that the gate should not be locked, but held in closed position, and should be designed to open easily and closed with a firm stop, preventing users pushing against the gate and potentially falling through the opening.
Self-closing gates - the preferred method of protection
Bs En Iso 14122-4

Not only does the new EN standard recommend the use of self-closing gates, but so does the Health & Safety Executive (HSE). Both promote self-closing gates as the preferred method of protection because they automatically close behind the user to provide an added level of security, so overcoming the potential for human error.
En Iso 14122-3
Some systems, such as KEE GATE, are available in galvanised steel and if required can be powder coated in safety yellow. Available with standard 'U' bolts for fixing to uprights of 33.7, 42.4 and 48.3 mm diameter, the gate can be fixed quickly to existing supporting structures, posts or stringers. An additional fixing pack is provided which allows the gate to be fixed to square, flat or angle uprights. Easy to install or to retro-fit existing structures, such as galvanised handrails, KEE GATE is 1 metre wide. Designed to be trimmed on-site, this solution saves companies the time and money it takes to fabricate their own gates.
Iso 14644 1 2015 Pdf
Specifying a self-closing gate that is in line with the requirements set out in EN ISO 14122-3:2016, presents contractors with a quicker, more cost-effective and easier to install solution that eliminates the possibility of human error.