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May 05, 2020 15. Urban Reign - Game Completed 100%, All Characters and Modes unlocked, S Rank on all Stages - NTSC UC 16. Crimson Tears - Game Completed with all movies and monster files unlocked - NTSC UC 17. Crimson Sea 2 - 100% Complete Save File - NTSC UC 18. Note: This code does not work in the PAL version of the game. At the title screen, press L1, R1, X(2), Triangle, R1(2), Triangle, Square, X, R1 to unlock all weapons. If you entered the code correctly, an exclamation point will appear at the top left corner of the screen. Note: This code does not work in the PAL version of the game.
At the title screen, press R1, R2, X, Left, Right, Square(4), L1, Square, Triangle, Circle to unlock all characters. If you entered the code correctly, an exclamation point will appear at the top left corner of the screen. Note: This code does not work in the PAL version of the game.
All weapons
At the title screen, press L1, R1, X(2), Triangle, R1(2), Triangle, Square, X, R1 to unlock all weapons. If you entered the code correctly, an exclamation point will appear at the top left corner of the screen. Note: This code does not work in the PAL version of the game.
Challenge modeAt the title screen, press L2, R2, Triangle, Right, Left, Up(2), Left, R2(3), Circle to unlock Challenge mode. If you entered the code correctly, an exclamation point will appear at the top left corner of the screen. Note: This code does not work in the PAL version of the game. Alternately, successfully complete the game.
Free modeAt the title screen, press L1, R1, Left(6), L2, Up, Triangle(2), Right to unlock Free mode. If you entered the code correctly, an exclamation point will appear at the top left corner of the screen. Note: This code does not work in the PAL version of the game. Alternately, successfully complete the game.
Two players in Story and Free modesAt the title screen, press L1, R2, Circle(2), Triangle, L2, R1, Circle, Triangle, Circle to unlock Co-Op mode in Story and Free modes. If you entered the code correctly, an exclamation point will appear at the top left corner of the screen. Note: This code does not work in the PAL version of the game.
Free mode with initial weapons unlockedAt the title screen, press L1, R1, L2, R2, L2, Circle, R2, Up, R2(2), Circle, X, R1. If you entered the code correctly, an exclamation point will appear at the top left corner of the screen. Note: This code does not work in the PAL version of the game.
Bonus weapon in Multiplayer modeAt the title screen, press L2(2), X(2), Triangle, R1(2), Square, R1. If you entered the code correctly, an exclamation point will appear at the top left corner of the screen. Note: This code does not work in the PAL version of the game.
Can select same character in Multiplayer modeAt the title screen, press R2(2), Square(2), X, R2, L1, Up, Down, Up(3), Circle. If you entered the code correctly, an exclamation point will appear at the top left corner of the screen. Note: This code does not work in the PAL version of the game.
Mushin-Kai and Tin JiaoSuccessfully complete Mission 99 in Story mode to unlock the Mushin-Kai and Tin Jiao.
Outlaws, Shadow Platoon, Bain, and CooperSuccessfully complete Mission 70 in Story mode to unlock the Outlaws, Shadow Platoon, Bain, and Cooper.
ParkSuccessfully complete Mission 60 in Story mode to unlock the Park. Roland u20 vst.
Westside Gym, Zaps, and KG
Successfully complete Mission 30 in Story mode to unlock the Westside Gym, Zaps, and KG.
Play as AlexSuccessfully complete Mission 67 in Story mode to unlock Alex.
Play as BordinSuccessfully complete all Chapter missions in Free mode with an 'S' rank to unlock Bordin and his gun.
Play as ChrisSuccessfully complete Mission 46 in Story mode to unlock Chris.
Play as GolemSuccessfully complete all Chapter 3 missions in Free mode with a 'B' or greater rank to unlock Golem.
Play as KellyUrban Reign Save Game Files Download
Successfully complete all Chapter 1 missions in Free mode with a 'B' or greater rank to unlock Kelly.
Play as LilianSuccessfully complete all Chapter 1 missions in Free mode with a 'B' or greater rank to unlock Lilian.
Play as Ling FongSuccessfully complete all Chapter 3 missions in Free mode with a 'B' or greater rank to unlock Ling Fong and his saber. Virtins sound card oscilloscope 3.2 crack.
Play as Marshall LawSuccessfully complete one stage of Free mode to unlock Marshall Law from Tekken 5.
Play as McKinzieSuccessfully complete all Chapter 2 missions in Free mode with a 'B' or greater rank to unlock McKinzie. Download plaxis 8.5 crack.
Play as Napalm99Successfully complete all Chapter 2 missions in Free mode with a 'B' or greater rank to unlock Napalm99.
Play as Paul PhoenixSuccessfully complete Challenge mode to unlock Paul Phoenix from Tekken 5.
Play as ShinkaiSuccessfully complete all Chapter missions in Free mode with an 'A' rank to unlock Shinkai.
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Play as Vera RossUrban Reign Cheats
Successfully complete all Chapter 1 missions in Free mode with a 'B' or greater rank to unlock Vera Ross.